Saturday, February 28, 2009

Set-up Tips

Getting good quality pictures from your trail camera can be frustrating. I have learned many lessons through trial and error. The most important thing to remember is that most cameras do not function properly if they are facing into the sun (East or West). I always try to set up my cams facing either North or South or a variation of the two. Another thing to remember is that most cameras are not fast enough to snap a picture of an animal if the camera is perpendicular to a trail. Instead, face the camera at an angle so that it captures more of the trail at one time. I always look for high use areas for set up. This equals more pictures total which in turn equates to more good photos. For big game, you cannot go wrong on a feeding area or a main trail leading to a feeding area. Also, in the fall a community scrape is an excellent place to set up. For creatures other than deer or turkeys, I set up in likely areas that I have stumbled across during hunting or trapping season. Setting up over a small bayou or swampy area is excellent for waterfowl or water-loving mammals. Setting up near rocky outcroppings or caves can provide good bobcat or coyote pictures. The edge of a cornfield is good for small mammals such as raccoons, skunks, or possums. For small mammals or near water, I like to set up about ten to twelve inches above the ground. For larger game I like about forty inches. During the winter months, placing a camera facing South also allows for more direct sunlight which will keep the batteries warmer and lasting longer.

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