Sunday, February 1, 2009

Interesting uses for your camera

After years of trail camera use, I am beginning to use my cameras for other uses than just for deer and turkey pictures. I have found it interesting to hang road kill carcasses in a tree or tied to a log and see what will come around. I have had many coyotes, foxes, and bobcats show up in front of the camera, along with raccoons, opossums, and skunks. However, I never would have guessed that I would see deer coming up and smelling the carcasses or even to see a flock of turkeys coming over to investigate. These were not some fluke of nature, either. I have seen it several times over the years. I have also seen some awesome pictures of ducks and geese sitting on their nests or swimming in a pond. By placing a camera close to water level back in a swamp or cattail marsh, one can expect to get pictures of those ducks or even a beaver or muskrat swimming around. In the summer down time of the deer world, it can be interesting to place a camera near a bird nest in a tree or near your house. Some cameras are capable of recording video footage also. Watching a mother bird feed her young from a few mere inches away is pretty cool. I also like to set up my cameras in video mode along a gobblers strutting are. I have gotten some wonderful footage of turkeys strutting and gobbling on camera. It seems that every year I seem to find a new use, or is it reason, for continuing my camera use year round. One new use I plan on trying this year is to place cameras in trees overlooking the gates onto our farm. By doing this in February, I can see if anybody is trespassing and also hopefully see if they come back out with a handful of sheds. I am sure this could hold up in court as evidence if you are having trouble with poachers or trespassers. As always, the uses for trail cameras seems endless.

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